Monday, April 23, 2012

"Is it real?"

- "Yes. Jesus gave a one-off show of his break dancing skills at the Vatican."

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Time it was, and what a time it was, it was
A time of innocence, a time of confidences
Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph
Preserve your memories, they're all that's left you

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I feel like my old self again. Neurotic, paranoid, totally inadequate, completely insecure. It's a pleasure. 
- George Costanza 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

an outfit post, a beer post and a tie trick post

I was getting ready for a st Patrick's day celebration. It's a must-do thing for a beer lover like me. I picked a black short skirt and a dotted t-shirt.
"What do you think?", I asked my mother.
"I don't know. Why are you asking me, I don't understand these kind of things."
"Because, Mother, you always have opinion. What do you think?"
"That skirt is really too short."

I put on as much powder as I could so I would cover the traces of 2 days not sleeping. And a red lipstic too. Gave my outfit a second look and this time I thought; the skirt really is too short.
Took all of, dressed a nice grey pants, a black shirt and googled "how to tie a tie". After the first attempt of trying to tie a Four in hand knot, I managed to do it right.
On my way out, mother said "See how nice you look now." I thanked her, took my 2-weeks-in-advance-birthday-present from grandma (money) and went to catch a bus nicely dressed.

My dearest friend and I picked a nice place to drink some fine dark beer and orderd two Crne kraljice ("Black queen") and a french fries. Later on, her boyfriend came to meet us and join the drinking.
"You're in Zagreb?" - I got a txt message from mine.
"Yeah, wanna join us?"
45 minutes later he joined us. So the unplanned double-date begun.

"Lets go somewhere else, we can't smoke here" someone said (I can't remember who, the all 3 of them are a smokers, I'm not)
"Arrrrrg fine. Let me drink my beer first" I said reluctantly, and took 5 more minutes to finish it.
Finally we arrived at a place where you couldn't see a finger in front of you because of all the smoke. Plus, it was like 28 °C. Except my eyes hurting from all the smoke, and lungs trying to tell me "Get out of here, I can't breathe" it was fun. Had a beer and a tequila to mix it a bit.
"Hey, do you want to see a tie trick?" I asked my boyfriend.
"Sure", he said.
"Hold this please?" I pointed to my nice black tie. "Now pull in." He does, and as we got close, we started to make out. I guess he liked the trick.

Around midnight I decided it was time to go home. I said goodbye to my dearest friend and her boyfriend. Mine went to walk me to my bus, not so happy about it because he wanted me to spend the night at his place. I desperately needed some 12-hours sleep so I went home.

An hour and a half later, I was in my bed. Happy and a little drunk. It was a well celebrated st Patrick's day.

Monday, March 5, 2012

"I didn't know what true discomfort felt like....until I watched these"

...says the comment. I imagine some 56 years old hairy guy behind the camera ready to jerk off...
It's Calvin Klein jeans banned ads from the 90s.

Friday, March 2, 2012

ty sir

Finally 19°C outside. Life becomes livable again. 
Yesterday as I was walking the streets of Zagreb and enjoying a sunny day, as well as window shopping (the only shopping I can afford), an older man stopped me and looked like he wanted to tell me something. I unplugged the earphones out of my ears and stood for a second to hear him. He said: "I just had to stop you to tell you that you are beautiful! And I wish you a lovely day. I just had to say it!"
Lol, okay. I was too surprised about what just happend I don't even remember did I thanked him or anything. After that scene I thought to myself that it is really a shame younger boys don't stop me to complement me. :D Why don't we ever talk to strangers? A million times it happend to me that I wanted to ask or say something to someone but it would just be too awkward or so I thought. Like that time at the club I saw a girl wearing a beautiful dress with kittens and wanted to ask her where did she buy it. Or that time I saw a girl with orange hair that was perfect. Or that time I saw a boy wearing a pink pants and a red t-shirt and it looked great and not gay at all. Or that time I heard a street musician playing one of my favourite songs... Or that time...
These kind of thoughts always stay in my mind, but if I shared them with the persons whom they concern, who knows, maybe it will brighten their day. Like that comment did a little something to me. But I guess it's just safer to have my earphones in my ears and share these things here...

Monday, February 27, 2012

do you know them?

The strangest thing happend today. I walked into my room and there were some crazy ponies (or horses, I'm not sure) running around. I guess they were demented. So quicky I grabbed my camera and took some photos of them.


she is my girl crush

I love the style of Jane Birkin's character in Je t'aime moi non plus. It's simple but cool and a little mannish.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Guilty pleasures

french fries

making out with so cute boys (sometimes it's guilty pleasure, most of the time it's just a pleasure)

beer (only because my belly gets bigger, and i have to pee every ten seconds)

talking with and about my cats like they are my best friends (but i love them so so much!)

the sims (1&2&3)

sex and the city (could this list be without it?)

gossip girl (although lately it kinda sucks)

tumblring and flickiring because i'm obsessed with nice photos (i have thousand of folders on my computer classified by photographer's name)

bitting my nails

making random list of things i've done, things to do, things not to do…

watching shitty (chick flicks) movies because i don't have to think

eating ketchup (i squeeze it on my finger and then i lick it – it's discusting)

gilda mental note

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

and i think to myself, what a bullshit day....

Since today is, as you all know, Valentine's day and my name day (does this exists in the rest of the world or only in my country?) I was hoping to get some present, precisely, I was hoping to get some candy, chocholates, money, etc. Yes, I am a materialist. No, I'm not ashamed of it. But... I got a big fat nothing. Nada. Zero.
Oh, wait, I'm lying. My grandma gave me 10$. And a broke person like me is very grateful for that. Now I don't have to worry whether I will have enough money for alcohol on saturday. A misanothrope like me needs some booze to survive saturdays out in the town with a lot of people.

Photo by William Eggleston, I think.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Off Pointe: A Photographic Study of the Royal Ballet After Hours

I love these photographs I found few days ago here. It is a series of B&W photographs by Mary McCartney.

"These intimate and insightful images show both the ups-and-downs, the prestige and the chaos of life behind-the-scenes at the Royal Ballet, and the contrast between the sometimes gruelling, painful lifestyle of the dancers and their fairy tale performances.
Many of the shots show unexpected contradictions: a muscular male ballet dancer having a cigarette between acts; naked ballerinas drinking coke in their dressing room at the Opera House; and a dancer eating an over-stuffed bagel after a night of clubbing. The photographs dispel many a myth about the life of the dancers and show that the dancers work hard, but play hard too."


Friday, February 10, 2012

“If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose”
- Charles Bukowski 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

facts about me

i am 21
i never have a train ticket
i can drink more beer than you can
my four cats love me and i love them
i can hula-hoop
i'm obsessed with buying clothes
i used to be a heroin addict now i'm a methadone addict
i'm nice
i'm not nice
i'm a facebook stalker
i can scroll tumblrs for hours
i have a fat ass
i don't smoke
i'm too lazy to cheat on tests
once ryan gosling asked me out on a date
i'm single but in need
i once sent a picture of my ass to an unknown person on chat
i'm ashamed of the above fact
i collect homeless cats
i will find you
and i'll cut you
i'm kidding, i told you i was nice

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


And i just changed blog title from science vs. romance to science vs. bullshit
It's more accurate :-D


I have a test tomorrow morning (actually, today, in exactly 8 hours) and I still have a lot of studing for it until 9 a.m.
Will I ever learn to do things on time????
And now I'm sitting and blogging and tumblring. I'm such a waste...