Friday, March 2, 2012

ty sir

Finally 19°C outside. Life becomes livable again. 
Yesterday as I was walking the streets of Zagreb and enjoying a sunny day, as well as window shopping (the only shopping I can afford), an older man stopped me and looked like he wanted to tell me something. I unplugged the earphones out of my ears and stood for a second to hear him. He said: "I just had to stop you to tell you that you are beautiful! And I wish you a lovely day. I just had to say it!"
Lol, okay. I was too surprised about what just happend I don't even remember did I thanked him or anything. After that scene I thought to myself that it is really a shame younger boys don't stop me to complement me. :D Why don't we ever talk to strangers? A million times it happend to me that I wanted to ask or say something to someone but it would just be too awkward or so I thought. Like that time at the club I saw a girl wearing a beautiful dress with kittens and wanted to ask her where did she buy it. Or that time I saw a girl with orange hair that was perfect. Or that time I saw a boy wearing a pink pants and a red t-shirt and it looked great and not gay at all. Or that time I heard a street musician playing one of my favourite songs... Or that time...
These kind of thoughts always stay in my mind, but if I shared them with the persons whom they concern, who knows, maybe it will brighten their day. Like that comment did a little something to me. But I guess it's just safer to have my earphones in my ears and share these things here...

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