Monday, February 27, 2012

do you know them?

The strangest thing happend today. I walked into my room and there were some crazy ponies (or horses, I'm not sure) running around. I guess they were demented. So quicky I grabbed my camera and took some photos of them.


she is my girl crush

I love the style of Jane Birkin's character in Je t'aime moi non plus. It's simple but cool and a little mannish.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Guilty pleasures

french fries

making out with so cute boys (sometimes it's guilty pleasure, most of the time it's just a pleasure)

beer (only because my belly gets bigger, and i have to pee every ten seconds)

talking with and about my cats like they are my best friends (but i love them so so much!)

the sims (1&2&3)

sex and the city (could this list be without it?)

gossip girl (although lately it kinda sucks)

tumblring and flickiring because i'm obsessed with nice photos (i have thousand of folders on my computer classified by photographer's name)

bitting my nails

making random list of things i've done, things to do, things not to do…

watching shitty (chick flicks) movies because i don't have to think

eating ketchup (i squeeze it on my finger and then i lick it – it's discusting)

gilda mental note

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

and i think to myself, what a bullshit day....

Since today is, as you all know, Valentine's day and my name day (does this exists in the rest of the world or only in my country?) I was hoping to get some present, precisely, I was hoping to get some candy, chocholates, money, etc. Yes, I am a materialist. No, I'm not ashamed of it. But... I got a big fat nothing. Nada. Zero.
Oh, wait, I'm lying. My grandma gave me 10$. And a broke person like me is very grateful for that. Now I don't have to worry whether I will have enough money for alcohol on saturday. A misanothrope like me needs some booze to survive saturdays out in the town with a lot of people.

Photo by William Eggleston, I think.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Off Pointe: A Photographic Study of the Royal Ballet After Hours

I love these photographs I found few days ago here. It is a series of B&W photographs by Mary McCartney.

"These intimate and insightful images show both the ups-and-downs, the prestige and the chaos of life behind-the-scenes at the Royal Ballet, and the contrast between the sometimes gruelling, painful lifestyle of the dancers and their fairy tale performances.
Many of the shots show unexpected contradictions: a muscular male ballet dancer having a cigarette between acts; naked ballerinas drinking coke in their dressing room at the Opera House; and a dancer eating an over-stuffed bagel after a night of clubbing. The photographs dispel many a myth about the life of the dancers and show that the dancers work hard, but play hard too."


Friday, February 10, 2012

“If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose”
- Charles Bukowski 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

facts about me

i am 21
i never have a train ticket
i can drink more beer than you can
my four cats love me and i love them
i can hula-hoop
i'm obsessed with buying clothes
i used to be a heroin addict now i'm a methadone addict
i'm nice
i'm not nice
i'm a facebook stalker
i can scroll tumblrs for hours
i have a fat ass
i don't smoke
i'm too lazy to cheat on tests
once ryan gosling asked me out on a date
i'm single but in need
i once sent a picture of my ass to an unknown person on chat
i'm ashamed of the above fact
i collect homeless cats
i will find you
and i'll cut you
i'm kidding, i told you i was nice

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


And i just changed blog title from science vs. romance to science vs. bullshit
It's more accurate :-D


I have a test tomorrow morning (actually, today, in exactly 8 hours) and I still have a lot of studing for it until 9 a.m.
Will I ever learn to do things on time????
And now I'm sitting and blogging and tumblring. I'm such a waste...