Monday, November 21, 2011

Todd Solondz has sick sense of humor (and so do I)

Today I watched a film by Todd Solondz, and it was 3rd his film I watched in a week. I totally love his dark sense of humor, the atmosphere in the movies, the main characters (who you probably wouldn't like if you knew them irl). Someone wrote on a message board of one of his films: "It's supposed to be a comedy, but I hope you don't laugh". Well I did laugh and if you have a similar sense of humor, you will too, and you will probably like it as much as I did.

Happiness was so cool. I mean...

Joe: What do you think would happen if I got him a professional... you know... 
Bill: A professional? 
Joe: Hooker. You know, the kind that can teach things... first-timers, you know... break him in. 
Bill: But Joe, he's 11. 
Joe: You're right, you're right. It's too late. 

And Storytelling didn't disappoint either. Gotta love Selma Blair in this one.

Welcome to the dollhouse will bring you back to your jr high and remind you how much you hated it. It doesn't get better for poor Dawn Wiener, I hope it did for you.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Little bit of bla bla

I'm starting all over again. I had a blog through all my highschool. I stopped after I got bored with it. That was 4 years ago. But this time it will be a little different. I will blog in english, which is not my 1st language but hopefully my readers will understand me. If you get annoyed by my grammar or any mistakes, feel free to correct me, I would really appreciate it.
Few things you should know about me; I'm 21, living in Europe, where exactly, well that maybe I will tell eventually. I'm a student, I study to be a land surveyor. I like photography, movies, music, nature, books, cats, texas holdem, boys, beer and that is what you will mostly read about. See you around!